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Our Services

Sponsor-Service, the international sponsor exchange

Sponsor-Service Sponsoring is an important part of our economic life. Billions of sponsor money is applied to the most different projects each year. But have you searched for a sponsor yourself already,then you will know, how difficult, sometimes even hopeless it is to find suitable financiers or advertisement partners.
With sponsor service it will be different. Now you finally have the right instrument at hand to be successful in the sponsor market.
Address several hundredthousand companies worldwide with your entry. Sponsor-service is the biggest sponsor stock exchange worldwide in the web. With sponsor-service you increase your chances to find the right sponsor by many. Profit from our 15 years of experience in the presentation of sponsor requests.
more...                                                also available in German  

Proma-Investment, the investment marketplace

Proma-Investment If you need money for your projects, capital to set up, expand or restructure your business, or investors to implement new ideas, you will find the ideal partners here. Proma-Investment, one of the largest databanks worldwide, comprises thousands of investors.
There is sufficient capital available for investments. Investment firms and wealthy individuals are constantly looking for promising and profitable investment opportunities. With Proma Investment you can find suitable partners and, this way, capital for your plans
more...                                                also available in German  

Find private investors for your enterprises. With Proma-Investment you find the right partners for venture capital, start-up financing, investment capital, credits, money loans, etc. Database with thousands of contacts of investors, investment bankers, venture capital companies, VC firms. Click here
Looking for sponsoring? Here you find sponsors for sports, art, culture, Events, inventions, non-profit projects, science, technique, welfare. Database with thousands of contacts. Search for sponsors with Sponsor -Service, the international sponsoring data bank. Click here
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